Pressure Lesson Plans: scroll through the unit, click on linked lessons
Lesson 1: Area
Activity 1: Notes: Flat Space
Activity 2: Make boxes
Extension: Start homework early
Homework: Worksheet: Measure & Calculate Areas
Lesson 2: Pressure
Engagement: 1st grader with knife vs. Coach Eaton or high heel vs. elephant
Activity 1: Notes
Activity 2: high heel vs. elephant example
Extension: Ride the hover board
Homework: Practice Problems, p. 303: 1-2
Lesson 3: Density
Engagement: Sink or float?
Activity 1: Notes
Activity 2: Density Lab → measure the density of random objects
Extension: Start the homework early
Homework: Worksheet: Area, Pressure, & Density
Lesson 4: Fluids
Engagement: Think/Pair/Share: Could you swim to the bottom of the ocean (neglecting air)?
Activity 1: Let’s Find Out Fluid PowerPoint (derive P = Dhg)
Activity 2: Homework Hint: #33
Extension: Start the homework early & get help
Homework: Read: p. 303-304, Do: p. 323: 19 & p.324: 33
Lesson 5: Pascal’s Principle
Engagement: Cartesian Diver
Activity 1: Play with partially inflated balloons.
Activity 2: Notes
Extension: Practice Problem (p. 304): 5
Homework: Read: p. 305-307, Do: p. 322: 2, 3
Lesson 6: Archimedes Principle
Engagement: Which objects will float?
Activity 1: Explain (in writing) why objects float.
Activity 2: Notes & Example Problem (p. 307)
Extension: Begin the homework early
Homework: Read: p. 309-310, Do: p. 322-323: 4, 20
Lesson 7: Air Pressure & Barometers
Engagement: balloon balance
Activity 1: Air Pressure & Barometer Notes
Activity 2: Student in a bag
Extension: EC → how high would a water barometer have to be?
Homework: Do: p. 324: 29
Lesson 8: Blood Pressure
Engagement: Who cares what their blood pressure is? → food, medication, activities…
Activity 1: Nursing Student demonstrates taking blood pressure.
Activity 2: Power Point
Extension: Start the homework early
Homework: Reread: p. 309-310, Do: p. 324: 17, 40 & study for the test
Lesson 9: Bernoulli’s Principle
Engagement: Why is an airplane wing shaped like this?
Activity 1: Notes & blowing on paper
Activity 2: Incorrect theory of lift & correct theory of lift
Extension: Java Applet: Lift of Wright Aircraft
Homework: Study Guide (p. 74 & 75)
EC: How do some airplanes fly upside down?
Lesson 10: Assessment
Engagement: Questions as Students Enter
Activity 1: Drill
Activity 2: Test
Extension: Start the homework early
Homework: Read for next unit