Motion Lesson Plans: scroll through the unit and click on linked lessons


Lesson 1:  Motion Diagrams

Engagement:  Think Time: Draw a picture of a fast duck and a slow duck

Activity 1:  Experiment with motion diagram machines

            Activity 2:  Notes: Motion Diagrams

Activity 3:  Chapter 3 Review (p. 60): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Homework:  Section Review 3.1 (p. 46): 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

Lesson 4: Average Speed/Velocity & Acceleration

            Engagement: After today we should be able to solve real problems.

Activity 1: Example (p. 59): make a motion diagram of this problem

            Activity 2: Notes: Speed, Velocity, & Acceleration

            Activity 3: Section Review 3.3: 3.1, 3.2

Homework: Chapter 3 Review (p. 61): 13-19

Lesson 5:  Tank Lab (Day 1): Make a position vs. time graph

Engagement:  Today we are going to do a lab

Activity 1:  Explanation

            Activity 2:  Data Collection

            Activity 3:  Graphing Data

Homework: Read Glencoe Physics (p. 63-66): section 4.1a, 4 Study Guide p. 20 & 21

Lesson 6:  Tank Lab (Day 2): Make a velocity vs. time graph

Engagement:  Today we are going to finish our lab

Activity 1:  Demonstration: how to do math in Excel

            Activity 2:  Calculate: Velocity

            Activity 3:  Graph: Velocity vs. Time

            Homework: Chapter 4 Review (p. 77): 1-6

Lesson 18:  Reading Position vs. Time Graphs

Engagement:  There is a better way to show motion than vector or motion diagrams.

Activity 1:  What does motion look like? ← Students use motion sensors to see live graphs of position vs. time.

Activity 2:  Notes: Position vs. Time Graphs

Activity 3:  Chapter 5 Practice Problems (p. 85): 1-3, Chapter 5 Practice Problems (p. 87): 4-6, 8

Homework: Read Glencoe Physics (p. 80-89): section 5.1, Study Guide p. 26 & 27

Lesson 19:  Using Position vs. Time Graphs

Engagement:  We are going to learn how to predict the future with graphs and equations.

Activity 1:  Question Sequence: Turn y = mx + b into d = vt + d0

Activity 2:  Example: #9 from the homework

Activity 3:  Work in pairs on the homework

Homework: Read Glencoe Physics (p. 90 - 93): section 5.2, Chapter 5 Practice Problems (p. 87 & 89): 4c, 8, 9-12

Lesson 20:  Reading Velocity vs. Time Graphs


Activity 1: How would velocity vs. time graphs look like? ← Students use motion sensors to see live graphs of position vs. time and velocity vs. time.

Activity 2:  Notes: Velocity vs. Time Graphs

Activity 3:  Interpret examples drawn on the board

Homework: Chapter 5 Practice Problems (p. 93): 13, 15, 14, 16a

Lesson 21:  Using Velocity vs. Time Graphs ← previous lesson may take two days


Activity 1: 

Activity 2: 

Activity 3: 

Homework: Read Glencoe Physics (p. 94 - 98): section 5.3, Chapter 5 Practice Problems (p. 93): 13, 14, 15, 16a

Lesson 22:  Constant Acceleration

Engagement:  Velocity doesn’t make driving exciting, acceleration does.

Activity 1:  Think Time: What is the average acceleration if you end up where you started?

Activity 2:  Notes: Acceleration

Activity 3:  Example: on p. 101

Homework: Study Guide p. 28 & 29

Lesson 23:  Graphing Motion

Engagement:  Today we are going to do a lab.

Activity 1:  Roll ping-pong balls down curved (shallow u-shaped) ramps

Activity 2:  Make a position vs. time graph

Activity 3:  Make a velocity vs. time graph

Homework: Chapter 5 Review (p. 108-112): 6, 7, 8, 44

Lesson 24:  Constant Acceleration 2

Engagement:  Review the agenda

Activity 1:  Do a homework problem as an example.

Activity 2:  Complete motion graphs

Activity 3:  Work in groups on the homework

Homework: Read Glencoe Physics (p. 97-102): Section 5.4, Chapter 5 Practice Problems (p.103): 27-30

Lesson 25:  Ball Bearing Lab (Day 1)

Engagement:  Today you get to do a lab.

Activity 1:  Instructions/Explanation

Activity 2:  Experimental setup

Activity 3:  Data collection

Homework: Read Glencoe Physics (p. 104-106): Section 5.4

Lesson 25:  Ball Bearing Lab (Day 2) ← not necessary, the lab can be fit into one day

Engagement:  Today you get to do a lab.

Activity 1:  Experimental setup

Activity 2:  Calculations

Activity 3:  Conclusions

Homework: Read Glencoe Physics (p. 104-106): Section 5.4, do the example on p.105

Lesson 26:  Free Fall

Engagement:  Think Time: Which ball is going to fall faster?

Activity 1:  Notes: Free Fall

Activity 2:  Example Problem (from p. 101): The Demon Drop

Activity 3:  Chapter 5 Practice Problems (p.106): 31-33

Homework: Chapter 5 Review (p. 108 – 114): 12, 13, 14, 26, 67

Lesson 27:  Free Fall Word Problems

Engagement:  Think Time: Mr. Shaw drops an egg from the roof.  How far will it be falling after 4 s?

Activity 1:  Setup Chapter 5 Practice Problems (p. 106): 31-33

Activity 2:  Explanation/Example: p. 106 #2

Activity 3:  Start the homework

Homework: Chapter 5 Review (p. 108-115): 46, 48, 49, 50, 53, 54

Lesson 28:  Motion Quiz ← lesson needs to be written

Engagement:  Today is a quiz day.

Activity 1:  Last minute questions.

Activity 2:  Motion Quiz

Activity 3:  Bonus question

Homework:  Reading assignment.

Lesson 29:  Measuring Acceleration Due to Gravity

Activity 1:  Explanation/Instructions/Setup

Activity 2:  Data Collection

Activity 3:  Conclusions

Homework:  Chapter 5 Review (p. 108-115): 47, 57, 66, 67, 69

Lesson 30:  Projectile Motion 1

Engagement:  Think Time: Which will hit the ground first a bullet that you drop or a bullet that you fire? ← Projectile Motion.ppt

Activity 1:  Motion Diagram ← Projectile Motion.ppt

Activity 2:  Notes: Projectile Motion ← Projectile Motion.ppt

Activity 3:  Guided Practice: 7 Study Guide p. 40 & 41

Homework: Read Glencoe Physics (p.155-161): Section 7.2, Study Guide p. 40 & 41: #

Lesson 31:  Projectile Motion 2

Engagement:  Think Time: Will it take more or less time for a golf ball to fall from my hand if I’m walking?

Activity 1:  Review Notes: Projectile Motion

Activity 2:  Example Problem: The Flight of a Ball (p. 159)

Activity 3:  Practice Problems (p. 160): 12 & 13

Homework: Read Glencoe Physics (p.155-161): Section 7.2, Study Guide p. 40 & 41: # 1-3

Lesson 32:  Test Review ← lesson can be skipped

Engagement:  Your test is tomorrow

Activity 1:  Analyze two graphs

Activity 2:  Worksheet: Motion Review

Activity 3:  Construct a 3” x 5” note card

Homework:  Study for the test

Lesson 33:  Assessment

Engagement:  Today you get to show me how much you’ve learned.

Activity 1:  Last minute review

Activity 2:  Motion Test

Activity 3:  Reading assignment for the following unit

Homework:  Reading questions