Momentum Lesson Plans: scroll through the unit, click on linked lessons
Lesson 1: Intro to Momentum
Engagement: Think Time: Would it hurt more if you were hit by a fast bicycle or a slow truck?
Activity 1: Demonstration/Question Sequence: mass & velocity are both important
Activity 2: Notes: Momentum
Activity 3: Measure the momentum of a crash cart.
Homework: Read Glencoe Physics (p. 199 – 204): section 9.1, Calculating Momentum worksheet
Lesson 2: Impulse
Engagement: Most of you are confusing force and momentum. Today we are going to learn how they are connected, and hopefully clear up any confusion.
Activity 1: Notes: Impulse-Momentum Theorem
Activity 2: Derivation of the Impulse-Momentum Theorem
Activity 3: Example Problem (p. 203): Stopping a vehicle
Homework: Read Glencoe Physics (p. 205-209): section 9.2
Chapter 9 Practice Problems (p. 204): 1, 2, 4, 5, 6
Lesson 3: Systems
Engagement: Think Time: What do you need to make a hamburger?
Activity 1: What is the system when I go bowling? I roll the ball only hit the corner pin.
Activity 2: Notes: Conservation of Momentum
Activity 3: Setup bowling alley problem.
Homework: Systems worksheet
Lesson 4: Conservation of Momentum: Elastic Collisions
Engagement: Car Crash: Animated Problem Situation ← Conservation of Momentum.ppt
Activity 1: Example: Elastic Car Crash ← Conservation of Momentum.ppt
Activity 2: Chapter 9 Practice Problems (p. 210): 11 & 12
Activity 3: Start the homework
Homework: Finish the practice problems
Lesson 5: Conservation of Momentum: Inelastic Collisions
Engagement: Demonstration: A student volunteer, standing on a skateboard, throws a medicine ball. What will happen?
Activity 1: Notes: Inelastic equation: ptotal = mtotalv2
Activity 2: Example: first practice problem
Activity 3: Chapter 9 Practice Problems (p. 210): 7-10
Homework: Finish the practice problems
Lesson 6: Collision Simulation Lab (Day 1)
Engagement: Today we are going to predict the outcome of collisions.
Activity 1: Play with the collision applet as a class.
Activity 2: Introduction/Review of lab instructions
Activity 3: Collision Simulation Lab
Homework: Finish lab predictions.
Lesson 7: Collision Simulation Lab (Day 2)
Engagement: Today we are going to test our predictions.
Activity 1: Test predictions on the internet
Activity 2: Conclusions: Collision Simulation Lab
Activity 3: Start the homework early
Homework: Study for the test (make a note card)
Lesson 8: Assessment
Engagement: Today you get to show me how much you know.
Activity 1: Last minute review
Activity 2: Momentum Test
Activity 3: Reading assignment for the next unit
Homework: Reading questions from the next unit