Math Tools Lesson Plans: scroll through the unit, click on linked lessons


Lesson 1:  Units

Engagement:  Drill: What is physics? Why do we need rulers?

Activity 1:  Think Time:  How would you build a measurement device?

            Activity 2:  Units notes + example

            Activity 3:  Go over paperwork (let students pick to do this first or last)

            Homework: Units worksheet, return signed parent letter and signed safety contract

Lesson 2:  Scientific Notation

Engagement:  Example physics problem with huge numbers in Scientific Notation.ppt

Activity 1:  Scientific Notation notes in Scientific Notation.ppt

            Activity 2:  Scientific Notation examples in Scientific Notation.ppt

            Activity 3:  Powers of Ten and Scientific Notation worksheet

            Homework: Scientific Notation worksheet, p. 1

Lesson 3: SI Prefixes

Engagement:  The easier the better, ask questions about multiple distance units

Activity 1:  Think Time: How would you make an easier system?

            Activity 2:  SI Prefixes notes use the overhead

            Activity 3:  Rule of Thumb: Understanding the Metric System

            Homework: Scientific Notation worksheet, p. 2, returned signed textbook contract

Lesson 4: SI Unit Conversions

Engagement: Your scale measures mg but you need to know a mass in μg

Activity 1: Use math facts to find a way to convert units ← Changing Units.ppt

            Activity 2: Unit Conversion notes ← Changing Units.ppt

            Activity 3: Metric Conversion Factors worksheet, hand out books

            Homework: Changing SI Units worksheet, study for the quiz

Lesson 5:  Quiz Day

Engagement:  We have our quiz today!

Activity 1:  Last minute questions

            Activity 2:  SI Notebook Quiz, finish handing out books

            Activity 3:  Read Chapter 2 in Glencoe Physics

            Homework: Chapter 2 Review (p. 37-38): 1, 2, 3, 5, 6

Lesson 6:  Counting Significant Digits

Engagement:  How do you measure a line that comes between two marks on a ruler? ← Significant Digits.ppt

Activity 1:  Counting Significant Digits notes & examples ← Significant Digits.ppt

            Activity 2:  Go over Significant Digits handouts

            Activity 3:  Counting Significant Digits worksheet (p. 1)

            Homework:  read (p.24-29): section 2.2, Counting Significant Digits worksheet (p. 2)

Lesson 7:  Using Significant Digits

Engagement:  Example Physics Problem → How many significant digits with math?

Activity 1:  Using Significant Digits notes ← Significant Digits.ppt

            Activity 2:  Examples ← Significant Digits.ppt

            Activity 3:  Start the homework

            Homework: Using Significant Digits worksheet

Lesson 8:  Significant Digits Review ← this lesson shouldn’t be necessary

Engagement:  Warning: the quiz is tomorrow

Activity 1:  Review game ← flashcards

            Activity 2:  Significant Digit Review worksheet

            Activity 3:  Correct Significant Digit Review← time permitting

            Homework:  study for the quiz

Lesson 9:  Significant Digits quiz

Engagement:  We have our quiz today!

Activity 1:  Last minute review

            Activity 2:  Significant Digits Notebook Quiz

            Activity 3:  Read (p. 30–36): section 2.3 in Glencoe Physics

            Homework:  Section Review 2.3 (p. 36): 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4

Lesson 10:  Measuring Stopping Distances Lab

Engagement:  Today we are going to have our first lab.

Activity 1:  Measurement notes ← on overhead

            Activity 2:  Data Collection: Stopping Distances Lab

            Activity 3:  Calculations: Stopping Distances Lab

            Homework: Measure boxes and calculate areas worksheet

Lesson 11:  Graphing with Microsoft Excel

Engagement:  Goldfish Growth example experiment ← from Graphing.ppt

Activity 1:  Graphing notes ← from Graphing.ppt

            Activity 2:  Graph Goldfish Growth ← data from Graphing.ppt

            Activity 3:  Graph data from Stopping Distances Lab

            Homework: Ch. 2 Study Guide: p. 7 & 10

Lesson 12:  Trend Lines with Excel

Engagement:  How big would a goldfish grow in six months? ← from Trendlines.ppt

Activity 1:  Example, explanation, & notes ← from Trendlines.ppt

            Activity 2:  Best Fit Trendlines, students use computers to fit trend lines to sample data

            Activity 3:  Fit a trend line to data collected in the Stopping Distance Lab

            Homework:  Chapter 2 Review (p. 40): 44

Lesson 13:  Review ← This lesson can be skipped, depending on how students are doing

Engagement:  Test Tomorrow

Activity 1:  Scientific Notation Review

            Activity 2:  Significant Digits Review

            Activity 3:  Graphing Review

            Homework: Chapter 2 Review: 8, 10, study, make a 3” x 5” notecard for the test

Lesson 14:  Assessment

Engagement:  Test Today!

Activity 1:  Last minute review

            Activity 2:  Math Tools Test

            Activity 3:  Start the homework early

            Homework: Read Chapter 3 (p. 43-46): section 3.1, Do Chapter 3 Review (p. 60): 1, 2